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All the Way Home VI: Tri-State Veterans Event
Saturday, October 13, 2018, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Military service is considered our nation’s highest form of citizenship and has been freely accepted by millions of men and women throughout U.S. history. There are an estimated 23.5 million living American veterans, and 13 percent of Tri-State residents, as many as 12,000, are military service veterans.

Because of their selfless commitment to our country, U.S. veterans are eligible for a variety of services, both federal and state, to assist them and their families. Veterans administration benefits include: Compensation / pension, healthcare, pharmacy, education, home loans, life insurance, vocational training and rehabilitation, burial and survivors’ benefits. Such services can prove essential to helping vets recover from wartime injuries, readjust to civilian life, build a career and raise their families.


Saluting Koren Veterans of the Tri-States


Event begins with Opening Ceremonies at 9 a.m. the Five Flags Center.


To thank our community’s Veterans and military families for their service and to showcase federal, state, and local programs and services specially geared toward Veterans’ issues.

Featured Speaker

Bryan Anderson

Bryan resides in the Chicago area nearby his parents, Jim and Janet, identical twin brother Bob, and teenage sister Briana. In addition to academic excellence, Bryan excelled in sports during his high school years and competed as an accomplished gymnast in state level competitions. Following graduation, he worked for American Airlines as a Ground Crew Chief at O’Hare airport.

Bryan enlisted in the Army in April 2001 and had a ‘ship out’ date of September 11, 2001. He served two tours of duty in Iraq and was stationed in the Baghdad area. He attained the rank of Sergeant in the Military Police (MP), conducted police training courses in Iraq and gained additional law enforcement experience at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary as a prison guard.

In October 2005, Bryan was injured by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) that resulted in the loss of both legs and his left hand. As a result of his injuries, he was awarded a Purple Heart. Bryan received rehabilitation for a period of 13 months at Walter Reed Army Hospital. He is one of the few triple amputees to have survived his injuries in Iraq.

Bryan is the National Spokesman for Quantum Rehab, a division of Pride Mobility Corp., and
travels the country making numerous personal appearances while delivering his message of perseverance and determination in major rehab facilities. In addition, he is an Ambassador for the Gary Sinise Foundation and is a spokesman for USA Cares, a national non-profit organization based in Radcliff, Ky., that is focused on assisting post 911 veterans in times of need.

Bryan is an energetic and enthusiastic individual who enjoys challenging his limits. He skateboards, snowboards, wake boards, white water rafts and rock climbs. He loves to travel and enjoys meeting new people.

Remembering Our Fallen

Remembering Our Fallen is a photographic war memorial that honors Iowa’s military Fallen from The War on Terror (9/11/2001 – Present). Unlike brick and mortar memorials, Remembering Our Fallen is designed to travel and includes both military and personal photos. Its legacy will be that these men and women will be remembered and their names will be spoken, while helping to lessen the grief of their families.

A Gold Star family’s greatest fear is that their Fallen will be forgotten…

The Remembering Our Fallen moving wall can be viewed October 8-12, 2018 from 8am-4pm at the Dubuque County Veterans Affairs Office at 36 East 8th St. (the Old Jail Building next to the Courthouse) and at the All the Way Home Event on October 13, 2018 at Five Flags from 9am-1pm.

Welcomed by DuTrac Community Credit Union


Booths with over 100 state and local organizations with programs for Veterans and their families.

The Need

Military service changes lives. Common are the stories of men and women who enter the military without direction or purpose in life, and return home stronger, more focused individuals. Unfortunately, many of those who experienced combat were also damaged physically and emotionally – scars that often last a lifetime. Even those not directly impacted by battle are entitled to treatment befitting our most respected citizens.

Many veterans, however, are unaware of the full scope of services available to them or are unsure of how to access services to which they are entitled. Additionally, some may not seek services or information due to fear of the stigma attached to those reaching out for help.

Tri-State Veterans’ Event Goals

The first All The Way Home Conference in Dubuque was held Saturday, May 17, 2008. The second All the Way Home Conference was held April 24, 2010. Over 1600 people attended the days’ events, visiting more than 97 veteran-related exhibits with more than 100 healthcare-related applications filed with the V.A. The last event, held May 7, 2016, drew more than 1800 people visiting more than 90 veteran-related exhibits.

Goals of the event:

  • Provide a forum for veterans and their families to access services available in Dubuque and the surrounding areas.
  • Making these services available in one place. By doing so, the conference will empower veterans to seek and receive services intended for them and their families.
  • Providing an appropriate forum for the Dubuque community to thank veterans for their service.
  • To coincide with the return of our National Guard Troops.

All The Way Home will again offer services and information in a family-friendly and fun atmosphere, reaching those veterans who normally would not seek services due to fear of stigma, as well as those who do not know where to turn.