
All The Way Home
Saturday, October 13, 2018, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Military service is considered our nation’s highest form of citizenship and has been freely accepted by millions of men and women throughout U.S. history. There are an estimated 23.5 million living American veterans, and 13 percent of Tri-State residents, as many as 12,000, are military service veterans.

Because of their selfless commitment to our country, U.S. veterans are eligible for a variety of services, both federal and state, to assist them and their families. Veterans administration benefits include: Compensation / pension, healthcare, pharmacy, education, home loans, life insurance, vocational training and rehabilitation, burial and survivors’ benefits. Such services can prove essential to helping vets recover from wartime injuries, readjust to civilian life, build a career and raise their families.

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Remembering Our Fallen

Remembering Our Fallen is a photographic war memorial that honors Iowa’s military Fallen from The War on Terror (9/11/2001 – Present). Unlike brick and mortar memorials, Remembering Our Fallen is designed to travel and includes both military and personal photos. Its legacy will be that these men and women will be remembered and their names will be spoken, while helping to lessen the grief of their families.

A Gold Star family’s greatest fear is that their Fallen will be forgotten…

The Remembering Our Fallen moving wall can be viewed October 8-12, 2018 from 8am-4pm at the Dubuque County Veterans Affairs Office at 36 East 8th St. (the Old Jail Building next to the Courthouse) and at the All the Way Home Event on October 13, 2018 at Five Flags from 9am-1pm.

Welcomed by DuTrac Community Credit Union